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603 Larson Drive
515 597-4286
Who We Are
The Huxley Junior Chamber (Jaycees) gives young people ages of 21 through 40 the tools they need to build the bridges of success for themselves in the areas of business development, management skills, community involvement, and international networking opportunities.
Extended by the Ames Jaycees in June 2006, the Huxley Jaycees to provides opportunities for young men to develop personal and leadership skills through service to others.
Nationally, Jaycees helped establish AirMail services in America with Jaycee Charles Lindbergh, and have raised millions of dollars for causes such as the MDA and the March of Dimes.
Jaycees can be found in all walks of life: governmental leaders such as past Presidents Bill Clinton and Gerald Ford, business tycoons such as Domino's Pizza mogul Tom Monaghan, registered nurse and former Miss America Kaye Lani Rae
Rafko-Wilson, sports heroes like basketball great Larry Bird; name the field and Jaycees can be found at the forefront.
Focusing on providing real impact, the Jaycees are enlarging areas of opportunity for young people.