Immanuel Lutheran congregation grew out of the "German Evangelical Lutheran St. Stephens Congregation at Des Plaines, Cook County, Illinois", established in October, 1868. St. Stephens congregation had acquired two building lots at the corner of Lee and Thacker Streets on which they established a church, school, parsonage, and cemetery. The cemetery was moved to Rand Road in 1875 when Center Street was extended from Prairie to Thacker.
Construction of the present church building highlights the third quarter century of life at Immanuel. Ground was broken on February 12, 1956, and the new edifice was dedicated to the glory of God on March 31, 1957. With far-reaching vision for possible future school and playground expansion, properties were acquired on both sides of the school as they became available.
Women were welcomed into voting membership in 1972, and the first two women were elected to congregational boards the following year.
Parish needs and outreach to others are addressed by Elders; Boards for Education, Evangelism, Parish Fellowship, Stewardship, Trustees, and Youth, and other activity groups. The Altar Guild, Ushers, and Greeters contribute to our fellowship in worship.
In 1994, Immanuel added Faith Hall, a multi-purpose wing on the north side of the church, enlarged the choir loft in the church, and constructed a garage/storage building
About Us:
Immanuel Lutheran Church is a visible tool of the Holy Spirit where we hear the Word and grow in the faith. We joyfully proclaim, share, and show God's Love to each other, our community, and the world.