Welcome to the Independent Sportsmen’s Club. The club is nestled on approximately 200 acres of land located at the end of Mirimichi Road in Foxboro, MA. The club offers a number of facilities to its members including shotgun, rifle, and pistol.
The club facilities include:
Skeet fields
Trap fields
5-Stand field
Sporting Clays course
Outdoor 100 yard rifle range
Outdoor 25 yard pistol range
Shotgun Facilities
The Sporting Clays course is available each Saturday and Sunday beginning promptly at 1:00 PM. Sporting Clays typically is a single squad each day. The Skeet and Trap fields are open on Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM and on Wednesday evenings from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. The 5-Stand field is open on a few Sundays each month from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Check the Shotgun Activities calendar to determine actual openings. The shotgun activities are open to club members and to non-members.
Rifle and Pistol Ranges
Rifle and pistol ranges are open to members daily from 9:00 AM until sunset. The main club gate is closed except during the published shotgun activity times. The rifle pistol gate is always left closed. Gate keys are available to club members for their access. On Sundays and holidays the use of the rifle and pistol ranges are permitted from 12:00 noon to sunset.
Other Facilities
The facilities include a clubhouse which can accommodate meetings for upwards of 50 attendees. It has a full service kitchen.
Regular Recurring Activities
The club holds a number of regularly scheduled events for the shotgun enthusiast. There is a Summer Skeet league, a Fall Trap league, and a combined Winter Skeet/Trap league.