Lake Anne Elementary School, an arts integrated school, promotes academic success by providing an interesting and challenging academic program. Teachers participate in staff development throughout the year at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts as part our designation as a CETA (Continuing Education Through the Arts) school. Teachers collaborate to incorporate the arts in the study of content areas of reading, math, social studies, and science.
Lake Anne School is a partial immersion Spanish school. Many students select to learn Spanish as they study math, science, and health in a Spanish-speaking environment.
Lake Anne School offers preschool to families that qualify for the Head Start program. During the 2005-06 school year, our early childhood staff will be collaborating with several child care providers in the Lake Anne community to prepare students for kindergarten. This program is called, the readiness collaborative program and was funded by a special grant in Fairfax County. The full-day kindergarten program also offers a full program to prepare students to become readers and successful students in all content areas.
The school’s PTA serves to support the school mission of providing the very best education for all children. Many dedicated volunteers work weekly with the star reading program, which extends individual reading opportunities for selected students. Trained volunteers also bring enrichment lessons to the students through Reston’s Grace Art program. Fiesta Day has become a school tradition of fun and celebration in the style of our Latin American neighbors. Our supportive PTA extends learning for all students by funding activities such as field trips for students.