Our goal is to reach Heaven one day and to share the "Good News" of the Bible with those who do not know Jesus. You should know that we want to be Christians -- children of God, members of His family -- who are bought by the blood of Jesus Christ. Nothing more and certainly nothing less. The church of Christ is not a denomination. It is not a man-made organization with earthly headquarters. The Bible is our creed -- the Bible alone. Jesus said that if one desired Heaven as their eternal home, he "must be born again by the water and the Spirit." (John 3) That is why we believe and teach that one must be born of water (baptism) and the Spirit (acceptance of Him as Savior) to become His child - according to His way. Not only are we instructed on how to become a child of God, we are also instructed on matters concerning doctrine, worship, organization, and daily living. Thus we strive to "speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent when the Bible is silent." If God said it, then it is so. If man said it, then it is subject.