We're excited here at LFBC with the growth we're seeing in missions. This began two years ago when Pastor Mark led out in a mission trip to Haiti. Since that time we've had other groups go to Honduras, and some of our youth travel to Mexico, Bulgaria, Poland and China.
Because of this increase in interest in missions a World Missions Offering (WMO) committee was formed. The WMO oversees the distribution of funds. A significant portion of funds goes to support Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) programs such as Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong, State Missions and the Baptist Children Home. We also help fund travel expenses for our short term missionaries as well as provide funds for mission work in the countries visited. Locally we now fund the food pantry and are seeking other ways we can reach out to our community.
Missions is more than trips and giving at LFBC. We seek increased prayer for missions through special "send-offs" services for our teams and a devotional book to encourage daily prayer for missionaries. This year we hope to include write-ups in our church newsletter to keep the congregation aware of mission related prayer requests.
Last year at LFBC we sought to involve our children in missions through packing shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse and making puppets for distribution in Honduras. We hope to continue involving our children in hands on missions projects in order to plant the seed of giving to missions.
It is our hope that the enthusiasm we're seeing for missions at LFBC is only the beginning. Together with God we can do above and beyond our human capabilities, ultiimately touching and changing lives through the unchanging good news of Jesus Christ.