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Mannington District Fair

Mannington District Fair
1 Bob Thorne Drive


In 1932 a group of Mannington Citizens formed the Mannington Fair, and for two years held its exhibits in the Bartlett Building.

It started as a cooperation organization with practically all the work donated, and to an extent the same policy still holds. In 1934 it was decided to incorporate the Fair to prevent the individual participants suffering the danger of liability since the Fair had grown to size­able proportions. The incorporators were: A. G. Metz; A. J. Hess; G. Pearl Freeman; Homer N. Campbell; John L. Thorpe, Vice President; George F. Graham, Secretary, N. E. Lowe, Treasurer; and Albert B. Bauman, General Manager. The Board of Directors were: H. G. Moore, J. L. Thorne, A. B. Bauman, G. P. Freeland, John Koen, Daler Hamilton, I. W. Tapp, Ivan Hall and A. G. Metz. From that time on the Fair Association enjoyed such expansion that now they have over 60,000 visitors each year. The principles on which the Fair was founded have been strictly adhered to. The Mannington District Fair of Mannington, West Virginia, has for 70 years, continuously striven, and successfully so, to keep its culture and traditions. It was founded by our forefathers, with their belief in Almighty God, and liberty and justice, and was truly dedicated to our heritage arts. Situated in the foothills of the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of North Central West Virginia, Mannington is a clean, quiet little residential town of approximately three thousand population. It has good schools, many churches (some new), a new bank and several new stores and businesses. It is a prosperous town, with good surrounding rural areas, a large park and swimming pool, an ideal place in which to live. The Fair has long been recognized as a super kind of homecoming, where old friends meet and new ones are made, a place to compete, demon­strate and display their various arts and crafts. A place for real enjoyment, for both young and old, carnival rides, good food and clean wholesome enter­tainment. Many citizens who have gone out into the world (some to make names for themselves) always seem anxious to return home at Fair time. Although much hard work and planning by many people and various organizations throughout the entire year is required, after all is said and done the results are really worthwhile. The Mannington District Fair started in 1932, but there was no fair book until 1933. The officers in the 1933 fair book were: H. G. Moore, President; George F. Graham, Secretary; N. E. Lowe, Treasurer. We sincerely hope 70 years from now the Mannington District Fair will mean as much to the community and be just as great an attraction as it is today, and the world will be just a little bit better for its having passed this way.

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