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33 Howard Street
The Marion E. Zeh Elementary School community believes that every child can learn. Learning is a lifelong process taking place both in and out of school. A learning team, consisting of students, family, and staff, guides this process. Only through teamwork can the education of the whole child take place. Each member of the team is equally important, and it is his or her responsibility to ensure this education and prepare students for their roles in the school community, the Northborough community, and the world.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Marion E. Zeh Elementary School is to provide an educational environment focused on the love of learning. School members will discover their unique talents, gaining knowledge and understanding about the world and their roles in it.
Core Values:
At Zeh School we value:
Respect- caring for ourselves, others, our materials, school, and the world
Responsibility-taking ownership of actions, helping ourselves and others
Honesty-telling the truth, treating others the way we want to be treated
Clear Communication-speaking, writing, and performing ideas clearly
Doing our personal best-working hard, using our best effort
Learning-building skills and knowledge by studying and experiencing