Brandon Parish is one of the oldest in Virginia with its history dating back to 1613, when Bandon Plantation was patented by Captain John Martin, an Englishman who came to Virginia with Captain John Smith in 1607. The present building is the fourth to be used by the parish. The first two were wooden structures located on Brandon Plantation itself. The third building, which was the last in the line of Colonial vintage, was erected on the site of the present Burrowsville Public School around 1723. This structure is believed to be the one at which Col. William Byrd met his men on his way to run the dividing line between Virginia and North Carolina in 1728. The present building is of brick construction with stucco finish and was built in the early 1850's by James Gray. It was consecrated November 7, 1856 by Bishop John Johns, and services have been held continuously in this structure since that time. The church has been designated a National and State Historic Landmark,