Middletown Elementary School is a welcoming and inviting learning environment. Staff, students, families and the community promote academic achievement and foster positive personal and emotional development of all students.
Staff, students, families and the community recognize the pillars of character by:
Establishing and demonstrating exemplary behavioral expectations
Building a unified and safe school community
Demonstrating respect for and appreciation of the diversity within our community
Staff, students families, and the community create and effective Academic environment for students by:
Having high expectations for all
Differentiating instruction
Fostering independence
Promoting creativity
Encouraging critical thinking and problem solving strategies
Valuing our student' knowledge, ideas, and opinions
monitoring and communicating student progress
teachers by:
Promoting continuing education and training
Providing opportunities for mentoring and collaboration
Reflecting continuously to improve instructional practices
Staff, students, families, and the community recognize the need for adequate Resources by:
Selecting appropriate materials
Utilizing time effectively
Incorporating current technological resources and practices
Advocating for additional resources to enhance instruction and environment
Staff, students, families, and the community work together as a Team to ensure student success by:
Encouraging proactive participation
Inviting open communication while respecting confidentiality
Exhibiting continuous commitment
Maintaining self-confidence and high morale
Supporting quality education
Staff, students, families, and the community envision a school where all "Enter with Enthusiasm and Exit with Accomplishment."