Mission Statement:
We, the First United Church of Christ, Congregational, of Milford, Connecticut, are an historic and inclusive community of God's children, moved by the spirit, who hear and believe the Word of God, and minister in the name of Jesus Christ. We seek to discern God's will and strive to carry out the teachings of Jesus Christ in faith, worship and service.
On August 22, 1639, The First Church of Christ in Milford, now the First United Church of Christ (Congregational) was organized in New Haven by The Reverend Peter Prudden and a company of fifteen families. They arrived in Boston on July 31, 1637, from England. A year later they sailed to what is now New Haven and held their first religious service under an oak tree on Sunday, April 25, 1638, with the founding settlers of that community.
Desiring a church and a colony of their own, they purchased land for this purpose on February 12, 1639, but they made no attempt to settle the land that winter. Their church was organized before moving to Wepawaug, which is now Milford. Originally, the government of the town was a Theocracy - a small republic independent of all outside authority. God was their only King and the Bible their only law book. Only Church members were permitted the right to vote and hold office. When Milford, as part of the New Haven Colony, merged with Connecticut Colony in 1665, the lawwas changed and ownership of property became the basis of citizenship in place of church membership.