Mission Statement:
Nebraska Wesleyan University is an academic community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth within the context of a liberal arts education and in an environment of Christian concern.
Nebraska Wesleyan was founded by Nebraska Methodists and actively maintains its relation to The United Methodist Church. The University reflects the Judeo Christian tradition in its efforts to integrate questions about meaning and value with the pursuit of learning and understanding.
The University is committed to excellence of academic endeavor and to learning as a lifelong process. The curricula and programs are designed to assist students in gaining and expanding knowledge and skills, in developing their competence in rational thought and communication, in broadening their perspectives on humanity and culture, and in enhancing their spiritual, physical, emotional, and aesthetic resources.
Statement of Vision:
Nebraska Wesleyan University will be an outstanding national liberal arts university, where the educational experience transforms each student to lead a life of learning, service, leadership, and success in a diverse world.