Education is the foundation of our school community. Students are educated to become caring, responsible citizens and family members. We believe each of our students is special and unique.
Our students come to school each day and are presented with a challenging academic curriculum. They develop into critical thinkers and effective communicators. All students acquire the knowledge and the confidence to succeed.
Our school community provides an accepting, safe and caring environment in which character development is promoted. All members of our community value trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and mcitizenship.
Parnets actively support our school community and our commitment to challenge their children to achieve to their potential.
At New Market Elementary School, we celebrate diversity and promote an open exchange of ideas. We provide opportunities for individuals to develop and use their unique talents.
The New Market Elementary School community is working together to prepare our students to become life long learners. Children are the "treasures" of the future.