Nysmith School was initially envisioned as a small kindergarten through second grade to help develop creative thinking and make learning exciting and allow each child to reach his/her potential.
In response to parents and students who had become aware of what makes Nysmith School so special, additional grades were offered until we grew into the school we are today.
At our twentieth anniversary as we open our new 23,000 square foot addition, Nysmith School is grateful for the continued support of parents who share their time and ideas to help us guide our students academically and personally.
Our parents are our resource bank and our recruiters, as well as our supporters. Together we have created a place where children are genuinely happy and interested in learning, because they are having fun.
Our parents are involved in helping the Special Olympics and many community service projects including making sandwiches for Martha’s Table, blood drives, library, field day, Grandparent’s Day, and International Day. This gives students a chance to reflect on their responsibility as citizens and their own blessings.