O'Fallon Optimist Club "Friend of Youth" chartered in 1986
Our local club is a member of Optimist International formed in 1919
Many programs are provided by the international organization and funding for scholarships is provided by Optimist International Foundation. Programs that make scholarships available include essay, oratorical, communication for the deaf and hard of hearing, and junior golf championships. Our local club, though part of the international organization, is autonomous and has the flexibility to serve the youth in our area in the best way we see fit. We enjoy doing activities with the youth that support them in sports, education, safety, and respect for law.
We build youth clubs and partner with them to serve the community. Through this interaction they learn about leadership, responsibility, team work, commitment and make lasting friendships. We provide guidance, and encouragement as we strive to "bring out the best in kids". In 2001 the Childhood Cancer Campaign was developed to provide support for children with cancer, their families, their health care providers, and to go towards childhood cancer research. At that time Optimist International made a commitment of $1 million to John Hopkins to underwrite a research focus. The clubs do individual fund raising to go towards this cause.
Meeting times and locations beginning October 2015 are as follows:
Noon meetings are the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at Golden Coral on Mexico Rd.
Evening Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7pm at the Bank of Old Monroe on TR Hughes Blvd.
President, Cyndy Schwab - cyndyschwab@yahoo.com 636-544-0102
Visit www.optimist.org
Sept. "Yahtzee" Bike ride for fun, exercise, and family time
Oct. Distribute rules and applications for 2015-2016 scholarships
Nov. Youth Appreciation Award presented to recipients
Dec. Participate in the Celebration of Lights