Our mission is to deliver an exemplary education, in a safe environment, which empowers students with the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for success in an ever-changing world.
Belief: Every Student will have Success
Vision: Every student will be prepared for success in college, career, and community.
Mission: To deliver an exemplary education, in a safe environment, which empowers students with the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for success in an ever-changing world.
Core Values: Leadership, integrity, Innovation, Continuous Improvement, No Excuses
Summary of Goals
Goal 1: Student Success and Student Achievement: Every year, every student will attain mastery learning of skills and concepts provided through engaging and challenging best practice instruction in a system that provides social and emotional support as evidenced by student outcome data.
Goal 2: Staff Recruitment and Professional Development for Student Success and Student Achievement: Every year, every staff member will be recruited, hired, and retained based upon coherence in knowledge, practice, and beliefs about student learning, instructional best practice, assessment to guide decision-making, and continuous improvement for increased student learning.
Goal 3: Support Systems for Student Success and Student Achievement: Every Year, every support system, department, and staff member will be focused on providing resources and assistance necessary to ensure that systems enhance student learning.