The Bible is God's verbally inspired Word and is the only sure guide to heaven.
The God of the Bible, the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is the only true God.
Jesus Christ, born at Bethlehem and crucified on Calvary, is the son of God and therefore true God Himself.
We are sinful, and deserve eternal damnation. Left to ourselves, we can do nothing to save ourselves.
Jesus Christ by His life and death has procured for us forgiveness of sin and has purchased for us eternal life. Through the Gospel eternal life is now offered to everyone as a free gift of God.
Infants as well as adults should be baptized and that through Baptism the pardon procured by Christ is extended to the person who is baptized.
According to His wisdom and love God answers every prayer addressed to Him in faith and the name of Jesus.
The hereafter consists of heaven for the true believers and hell for unbelievers, that both are without end. Faith in Christ at the end of life will lead to heaven, while unbelief at the end of life will lead to hell.
In Holy Communion the true body and blood of Christ are received with the bread and wine. Those who partake of it in true repentance and faith receive the forgiveness procured for all by Christ.