The Philip F. Lauer Middle School is located in the Borough of Wilson. The school has 572 students in grades six through eight. Sixty-two highly qualified faculty and staff deliver a variety of academic programs to meet the needs of individual students. The school was constructed in 1974.
PLMS houses a library, three computer labs, a full service cafeteria, swimming pool and a full size gymnasium that seats 500.
After an intensive year long pilot study, the teaming concept was implemented at the middle school in the 2001-2002 school year. In addition, enrichment classes, seventh and eighth grade advanced math courses and numerous related arts classes are offered. Student Assistance for Education (SAFE) Program is also available for individuals that have drug or alcohol or mental health concerns. Student trained peer mediators assist individuals who need assistance in resolving conflicts and an after-school tutoring program is offered from January through May.
The Lauer Middle School complex is surrounded by lush playing fields and includes P.I.A.A. sports such as junior high football, girl's field hockey, wrestling, girl's and boy's basketball.
Additional activities include band, chorus, school newspaper and yearbook. The art club, science club, drama club, ski club and Math Counts are also available to students. PLMS also houses active National Junior Honor Society and Student Council chapters that sponsor special activities throughout the school year