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Pleasant View Methodist Church - Belmont

24010 Center Drive Road


In Wisconsin, roughly 35% of the population attends church. That means 65% do not attend church. In America, less than 40% of the population attends church, while more than 60% do not. We must ask ourselves, "What are we doing to change these statistics?"

In Argentina, there are over 3000 villages without one single Christian church. In France, there are over 30,000 villages without one single Christian church. In England, the birthplace of Methodism, there are now more Muslims than Methodists. We must ask ourselves, "What are we doing to change these statistics?"

What we must do is be obedient to the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:18-20. We must "Go, therefore, into all the world and make disciples" for Jesus Christ. What we must do is be obedient to Jesus' command found in Matthew 5:13-16. There, He calls us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

We know a number of people who serve as examples for us in this area. Individual men and women, couples, or families who have dedicated their lives to going, to making disciples, to being the salt of the earth and the light of the world.