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Presbyterian Church Of Coventry

55 Trowbridge Road

About Us

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, devoted to worshiping God, being used in caring for His disciples in the church, and going out to create disciples by the grace of God.

We believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God. We also believe the Westminster Confession and Catechisms to be an accurate, faithful, and edifying representation of what the Bible teaches.

The congregation gathered in 1973 under the leadership of our founding pastor, Rev. Richard Gray. For the next six years, we met in Coventry Grammar School. We built and then moved into the current facility on Hwy. 44 and Trowbridge Road in 1979. Rev. Brad Evans was called to be the pastor in 1980. The building was enlarged in 1984 to add Sunday School space. A new sanctuary was added in 2003 which allows for the congregation to worship together in one service.

We have a broad range of activities for men, women, youth, and children. These activities range from weekend retreats and fellowship outings to a solid Christian education program. We also try to make a special effort to minister to families as a whole. One of the hallmark ministries of the church has been the Vacation Bible Adventure program, which garners excellent support from the congregation and solid attendance and enthusiasm from children in the area.
