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Rotary Club of Avon

About us: In our hearts, all human beings share concern for one another. In our club, all members share concern for our community - be it Avon or the world. By combining our talents and resources, Rotarians accomplish more together than would be possible as individuals, and have a heck of a lot of fun doing it.

Some of our commitments might surprise you. For example, Avon Rotary Club not only sponsors Boy Scout Troop 26, we own and maintain its club house! Rotarians Kirk Vanderbilt and Jim Yencer are local scout leaders. We partnered with Avon Lions Club to create the Avon Rotary-Lions Ambulance service. Members Dave Henehan, Ted Coyne and Bill Shaw serve on its current board.

Click on the "Youth Exchange" link to learn about another initiative supported by your neighbors in Rotary. And there are lots more, including scholarships for graduating seniors, Avon library, Literacy Volunteers, Habitat for Humanity and the High School Interact Club. We have traditionally favored young people with awards, scholarships and support for their activities and organizations.

A consortium of Rotary clubs sponsors a summer camping experience for handicapped children from the Genesee Valley. Avon supports it financially and through the volunteer work of advisory board President Ernie Wiard and Secretary Dave Henehan.

We have a role on the world stage, as well. More than a decade ago Rotary International launched Polio Plus - a bold initiative to eradicate polio among children in Third World countries. Our relatively small club has contributed more than twelve thousand dollars to this humanitarian campaign!

Our club itself is young in spirit. New members keep us vibrant, while seniors maintain our sense of tradition. Together, we continue our 83-year commitment of service to the community we serve.