Though many, we are one. This is why we chose our theme, “One School, One Voice: the Voice of the Child” when Rupley staff members gathered in mid-August for our first-ever professional development Academy to launch our school year.
We are many. We are home to almost five hundred students. We operate close to thirty homerooms, staffed by talented and caring educators. We serve students who live across the street, as well as many who ride the school bus. We come from many places.
We are one. Whether students are in general education or special education classes, first or fifth grade, bilingual or English-speaking classrooms, we are one. Even when studying content areas such as science and social studies or enjoying physical education, technology or the fine arts, we come together because we are one school.
We are the voice of the child. Our hopes, our dreams, our time and talents are focused on the success of your children. As their educators, then, we become the voice of the child. Weekly professional development training, daily team meetings, home/school connections and a passion to ensure that we prepare all students to be successful for life, give voice to our work.