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Sanatoga Fire Company

2222 East High Street

A beautiful winter's morning in the month of Jan. 1908, as the Citizens in the village of Sanatoga. were awakening, and moving out to their duties and callings of the day, the cry of fire sounded out, and was carried more distinctly as it seemed by the morning's clear, bracing atmosphere. Long View Mansion was on fire, many of the villagers left their work and ran to give their assistance in whatever way they possibly could, but being without any fire fighting apparatus they where almost compelled to stand by helpless and see the seething flames eat up Long View Mansion. While the flames were slowly but steadily whipping their way from the interior to the outer part and thence to the barn, various remarks were heard and in their eager desire to save this mansion with its contents, every effort was put forth.

The Friendship Hook, Ladder and Hose Company, of Royersford presented us with a large fire gong alarm, the same being in position today on their new ground. As the building progressed steadily the company removed its meetings from the Kurtz place to its new rooms and while they were Meeting with the support of the community and their friends, both the committees and the company, they have completed their building and on Saturday, Oct. 21st, 1911, with proper exercises and the good will and fellowship of participating firemen and friends, of home and elsewhere, will turn the same over to the company, a new home, a fitting place in which to meet their brother firemen and friends.