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Somers Library

Route 139 and Reis Park,

Mission Statement:

Statement of Purpose

Our mission is to provide Somers residents of all ages with free informational, recreational and cultural resources and programs in a welcoming atmosphere conducive to learning and enjoyment.

The Somers Library provides and seeks to improve free public library service to all residents of the Town of Somers, New York, and to residents of Westchester County communities with which the Somers Library engages in cooperative services. Books and library services are provided for the interest, information and enlightenment of all people of the communities served. To the extent possible, materials and information will present a wide range of viewpoints on current and historical issues. Materials or information will not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

No person will be denied the right to use the library because of gender, race, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or creed. However, all persons using the Somers Library will be subject to the statement of policy, the library code of conduct and all other policies of the trustees. Anyone willfully violating such policies may be excluded from services of the library.
