Our church is wheelchair accessible from the front door and in all rooms, including our restrooms. Our pews consist of comfortable cushioned chairs that can be detached and moved about or removed to accommodate any arrangement.
Our sanctuary has excellent lighting and a good sound system. We have study materials in large print and on audiotapes.
Listening devices are available for persons who are hard of hearing. At least two of our members are fluent in sign language for the Deaf with several more in various stages of learning.
We bring our children into the worship service with us and encourage visitors do so as well. We love the little ones and will not be upset by their minor disturbances. However, for parents who need some privacy, a place for baby to sleep, or wish to remove a child, we have a room with comfortable chairs, rocker, and cribs that includes a monitor of the service. There are also speakers in the foyer to include those who just need to walk around a bit.
We prize diversity and encourage persons from all backgrounds to give us a try.