Parish Vision
Make Christ's Love known to all, on a personal level, by reaching out to others where they are.
This will be done through renewal of our Worship, Welcoming, Proclaiming (Evangelizing), Teaching, and Reaching (Charity).
As members of the Body of Christ, we are each called to be truly present at the Eucharist, and worship as a community of believers. In body and spirit, we, along with Jesus, offer ourselves to the Father. Jesus, in turn, offers Himself to us. Through our act of worship, we will come to know and believe in the love God has for us.
As members of the Body of Christ, we are each called to welcome, with true and profound joy, all who enter. Through this welcoming each person may begin to know the love of God.
As members of the Body of Christ, we are each called to make Christ's Love known to all, on a personal level, by reaching out to others where they are. each of us accomplishes this through the simple witness of our daily lives, and the active explaining and defending of the Gospel of Christ.
As members of the Body of Christ, we each have the duty to proclaim the way of salvation to all; and so, as a community of believers, we have the responsibility to educate the families of our parish in the virtues of love and devotion to God, to neighbor, and in the truths of our faith. These virtues and truths must also be the center of the family and the community. we need to discover new means of imparting the knowledge and joy of the Gospel to all.
Parish Mission
The Catholic Community of St. Catherine of Siena:
God as witnessed by our presence at Eucharist and other sacraments fostering spiritual growth.
Welcome all to participate personally in the life of the Parish, to create a Christian community of fellowship.
God proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ to all persons to create a foundation for religious upbringing and to strengthen our personal relationship with God.
Teaches the word of God through a variety of religious education programs so children, youths, adults and the elderly find value and relevance in their faith.
Reaches out to our local community through prayerful concern and compassionate service to those with personal, economic or spiritual needs.