The Concert Ballet of Virginia is the state's premiere professionally-mounted civic ballet company. With its Headquarters, studio, scenery & costume warehouses located in Ashland, The Concert Ballet's unique programming makes dance opportunities available to all persons -youth to adult - interested in the production and performance of Dance.
Its Gala Repertory Programs of classical and contemporary dance are presented Fall, Winter & Spring in The Woman's Club Auditorium in downtown Richmond, while the company tours "The Nutcracker" - Virginia's Oldest full-scale Version -and its "Nutcracker Suite" throughout Metropolitian Richmond area and the state. The Ballet's "Storybook Series" promotes Reading through the recreation of popular and famous stories into narrated dance performances.
By staging affordable full-scale productions at convenient locations - in venues of all sizes- throughout Virginia, The Concert Ballet company offers Virginians unlimited access to the world of Dance.