To preserve, maintain and appropriately restore the Schuylkill Canal and its surrounding lands and manmade structures; to encourage wide public use of the area and an appreciation of its natural environment; to seek ways to further general education in the area's history through programming and interpretation; to provide facilities and enhanced settings for various kinds of passive recreation; to seek support of individuals and private organizations, and of local, regional, state and federal governments, to achieve these goals; and to solicit, receive and expend funds for such purposes.
The Schuylkill Canal Association has come a long way since its beginnings as a township advisory committee. It is now one of the major players in the statewide project of transforming the Schuylkill into a recreational and economic asset. It is credited throughout the region with having created the most complete restoration project to date along the river. The area is still leased by the township from the Pa. Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, but discussions are under way to bring the ownership closer to home.