A few of the many benefits of a Three Rivers Union School Education:
1.) Small classes; student to adult ratio of less than 10:1 on campus, and less than 10:1 in K-3 classrooms
2.) A beautiful, parent friendly campus
3.) Consistently high academic expectations (and achievement)
4.) Caring, supportive school culture & staff
5.) Lots of opportunities for parent involvement and volunteerism
6.) Local control and accountability: A locally elected school board
7.) Core curriculum and beyond: Reading, writing, mathematics, history, science, music, arts, poetry, technology, garden, hikes, field trips, science & engineering projects, sports, and more...
8.) Every student is valued and recognized for their individual strengths
9.) A history of success-- Over 90 years and going strong!
10.) An eye toward the future-- Gigabit internet and one-to-one computing
11.) A strong belief in the value of people, community, and face-to-face interactions