Torey J. Sabatini School is nestled in the midst of a quiet neighborhood. Parents often walk their children to school. The learning environment offers each child the opportunity to feel heard and to establish positive relationships with students and staff. The culture supports rigorous academics while fostering the type of social culture that encourages children to feel emotionally safe, enabling them to fulfill every facet of their academic and social potential.
The district curriculum and state content standards continue to be the main thrust of the curricular activities at the Torey J. Sabatini School. A literature-based reading program with strategies for higher level thinking has been enthusiastically implemented. The students have a core of “real” fiction and non-fiction books, which has stimulated an eagerness to read. The writing process has resulted in language arts portfolios and books of creative stories and poetry at several grade levels. Writing across the curriculum receives serious emphasis. In math, students keep journals and articulate their problem solving strategies. In social studies, students frequently write summaries of their non-fiction readings.