About Us:
Troop 363 emphasizes the OUTING in SCOUTING. An outstanding 2000-2001 program year is planned. The schedule includes numerous campouts including hiking and canoeing along the Merit Badge workshops. The Troop campout and activity schedule is planned by the Scouts. The highlight of each program year is the summer camp experience. Last summer, the Scouts enjoyed a week at Camp Wehinahpay, high in the mountains of New Mexico. This trip included a visit to Carlsbad Caverns, the Alamogordo Space Museum and the White Sands Monument. Our older Scouts participate in a special Venture Patrol program. These experienced Scouts plan their own high adventure trips. The last Venture trip was a week backpacking in the Colorado Rockies. The Scouts of Troop 363 would welcome the chance to talk with you about our upcoming 2000-2001 program at one of our Tuesday night meetings.
Scout advancement is very important at Troop 363. The Troop and its leadership fully encourage and extends to the Scout every opportunity to earn his Eagle rank. The list of recent Merit Badge workshops organized by the Troop includes First Aid, Architecture, Canoeing, Personal Fitness, Camping, Fingerprinting, Hiking, Citizenship in the Nation, and Motor Boating. Two of our Scouts received the Eagle rank in the last year. Troop 363 promotes the aims of Scouting which are to develop character, citizenship and personal fitness all the while making it fun for the Scouts.
Troop 363 benefits from strong parent support. Scoutmaster Miller has six active Assistant Scoutmasters to help support our monthly programs. Several of the Assistant Scoutmasters are past Eagle Scouts, as is Scoutmaster Miller. We encourage all parents to participate in the Troop Committee and give a hand for special activities.