The Unitarian Universalist Church in Meriden is a liberal religious community committed to the free search for truth and meaning of each individual. Our members and friends come from every religious background and follow a wide variety of spiritual paths. We encourage people to think for themselves, and come to their own understanding of religious truth. We welcome you and celebrate you as a whole person, regardless of your religious affiliation, your age, your ethnic background, your sexual orientation or gender expression. Ours is a church where you are encouraged to be who are, and where you are affirmed for who you are.
Our worship services are held every Sunday at 10:30 AM. We have a religious education program for young people where children learn how to come to their own understanding of who they are, in the framework of the Unitarian Universalist principles of respect for the worth and dignity of all people, justice equity and compassion, the right of each person to their own beliefs, and respect for the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part.
Our Minister, the Rev. Lucy Ijams has served our congregation since 1996. Lucy received her Master of Divinity degree in 1994 from AndoverNewtonTheologicalSchool outside Boston. She completed two units of Clinical Pastoral Education at Central ME Medical Center, and a ministerial internship at EmersonUnitarianChurch in Houston, TX.
OUR CONGREGATION is warm and welcoming. We invite you to visit with us and find out if ours is the spiritual home you have been seeking.