Multi-generational families choose to remain in the community. Glenwood didn't happen overnight; history is everywhere. It's not some cookie-cutter town created by a developer. It's a real community where residents understand what's gone on before and have a real feeling for the future. Glenwood is the product of over 100 years of prosperous growth and development.
The early history centered around the town growing with railroad development. The mail was recieved by pony express starting in 1871. Much of the early history was closely associated with the development of the Glenwood School for Boys. Todd Lincoln, son of Abraham Lincoln, and others founded the School in 1887. It was originally called the "Manual Training School for Boys", as military training was included. The school is still in existence today and is located in its original setting; however, it recently became co-ed and is now known as Glenwood School