About Us:
The Vincent Smith School is a co-ed, private, college-prep day school for grades 1-12, serving Nassau, Suffolk, and New York City students since 1924. We excel at educating students with various learning obstacles such as anxiety, AD/HD, Dyslexia, Auditory & Language Processing Disorders, or school avoidance.
As a New York State Board of Regents chartered school, we emphasize academic excellence while simultaneously supporting individualized differentiated instruction, college or vocational career prep, as well as speech, reading, and occupational therapies. We are accredited by the NY State Association of Independent Schools. Vincent Smith School is a non-profit corporation open to all, without regard to race, creed, or national origin.
Our Mission:
The Vincent Smith School is dedicated to providing a successful and personalized academic education in a nurturing and supportive setting, for students with various learning disabilities.