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123 East Third Street
In 1914, a few men and women who had long dreamed of a public library for Warren, Indiana, investigated the necessary legal requirements. Robert McCrum, superintendent of the Warren schools, and P.H. Beck consulted with the State Library Commission, who recommended that they organize under the Indiana Library Law of 1901. Interested persons met on June 16, 1916, and elected as officers Monroe Wiley, P.H. Beck, Tillie Fleming, and B.F. Young. Others present at that first meeting were Charles Barnes, Frank Canady, O.E. Hagler, Jasper Blair, Maggie Kriegbaum, Vienna Laymon, and Minnie Roberts.
The Warren Free Public Library was first housed in 1918 in the Phi Delta Kappa rooms over Frank Young's jewelry store. Mrs. Tillie Fleming was the librarian. One small bookcase held the library's total collection of 100 books.
In 1953, the Library Board of Trustees, Town Board, and Township Advisory Board all voted to combine and merge the Warren Free Public Library with Salamonie Township and form a single town-township library district.
In the late 1960s the interior of the library was remodeled. The ceiling was lowered and recessed lighting and air conditioning installed.
On December 2, 1974, the Board of Trustees passed a resolution stating that the Warren Free Public Library and/or Warren-Salamonie Township Library (the legal name for tax purposes) would henceforth be known as the Warren Public Library.
In 1976 the library was revamped and redecorated. In 1991 the interior of the library was repainted and new carpet was laid. In 1994 a platform lift was installed on the north side of the library, providing handicapped accessibility. In 1995 the basement was remodeled and the children's department relocated.
Renovation of the main floor was undertaken in 2002. At that time, a new ceiling, lighting, carpet, blinds, and shelving were installed. In 2006, the restroom will be renovated, and new shelving, a flagpole, and a historical marker will be installed.
As the library serves the public in the twenty-first century, technology is playing an increasing role. In 1996, public access computers were installed. Patrons may access the Internet and the online catalog. As envisioned by progressive community leaders who established the library in 1914, the Warren Public Library continues to serve the information needs of Warren, Salamonie Township, and surrounding communities.