Washington Memorial Chapel is an Episcopal Parish in the Diocese of Pennsylvania in the United States of America. More than 350 communicants make the Chapel their spiritual home. All services are conducted in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer.
The Chapel was built as a tribute to General George Washington. The inspiration for the Chapel resulted from a sermon preached by founder and first rector, The Reverend Dr. W. Herbert Burk, Norristown, PA. In June of 1903 the cornerstone was laid on private property donated to the Dr. Burk by the I. Heston Todd family. A small framed building preceded the present structure which became known as the "Theodore Roosevelt Chapel", in honor of President Roosevelt after his visit to the site and address in 1904. The Chapel was completed in 1917. Designed by Milton B. Medary, Jr., the Chapel was erected for two purposes. It is the home of an active parish as well as a National Memorial to Washington, welcoming visitors from all over the world and serving as a wayside Chapel to those who visit Valley Forge National Historical Park.
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