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Womelsdorf Community Library

203 West High Street


The Womelsdorf Community Library was established by Resolution of the Womelsdorf Borough Council on Nov. 28th, 1978.

Founding Board Members were Rebecca Rohrbach, President; Rozanne Meredith, Vice-President; Patricia Hetrick, Treasurer; Mary Moore, Recording Secretary; Anne Coffey, Corresponding Secretary.

The library occupied the back room of the Borough Hall at 101 W. High St. In 1979, library volunteers provided a Summer Reading Program and a Preschool Story Hour for the children of Womelsdorf. The official opening occurred on March 3rd, 1980.

The librarians during the first 20 years of operation were Kathy Rulapaugh (1980), Patricia Hetrick (1980-1985 and 1986-1989), Patricia Stover (1985-1986) and Geraldine Reed (Kramer) (1989-1998).

By the mid 90s the library was in need of more space. The Borough purchased the present building to house the library and the police dept. The library moved into its present location in Feb. 1996 at 203 West High.

In July, 1998, the library joined the Berks County Public Library System providing Womelsdorf patrons access to collections and services from all System Libraries. Computer, internet, FAX and Photocopying services were added. Circulation in 1999 was 10,594, by 2003 it had increased to 33,125 and by 2006, to 56,681 items borrowed. The library was incorporated in 2000.

The 2009 circulation was 69,049. The library provided 282 programs for the public. The Summer Reading Program served 274 participants who read 20,700 books. Outreach programs were held for the Henner apartments and Bethany Children's Home. Collection size was 17,544.

In 2002, the Board of Directors established a Capital Campaign Committee to raise money for library expansion. The Board hired Lee Olsen and Larry Smith Architects to design the addition and renovation work needed. The Campaign was successful due to the generosity and work of MaryAnne and Brad Beamesderfer and many other contributors and supporters. In December of 2006 construction began on the addition to the east side of the building. The Opening Ceremony was held on Sept 23rd, 2007.

Construction on the Restoration and Renovation Phase of the project began in August 2010 with anticipated completion in spring of 2011. The 2nd Phase's success was due in large part to the hard work and financial support of Carolyn and Bruce Edwards, their family and friends. The Renovation Project will be named in memory of their daughter Melissa a library volunteer and an avid reader.

From 2002 to present the Capital Campaign raised approximately a million, one hundred thousand dollars in grants and financial support from numerous organizations and individuals.
