From humble beginnings in 1897, with a handful of Norwegian immigrants, through both good times and difficult times, our congregation has remained faithful to God's call to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Time and time again in the life of our congregation, as ministries and membership grew and changed, we embraced the challenge of providing new space for growing needs. From the first worship services in the white, wood-frame church on Fourth Street, through a series of building and rebuilding projects to our new state of the art building in Southeast Minot, Zion Lutheran Church has proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus.
In the mid-50's, the need for enlarging the sanctuary was
critical so the congregation voted to demolish the existing
building and construct a new church at the 218 First Street location. This building served the congregation well until the decision was made to build a new church on property in
Southeast Minot.
On August 27, 2006, Zion Lutheran Church had a historic moment. Worship services began at the downtown site, then a parade was held moving to the new and present site at 1800 Hiawatha Street SE, where a dedication ceremony was
held and our worship concluded. Exactly seven years later on August 27, 2013, a final check was written making the final payment on the mortgage for the knew building. Congratulations to the Zion congregation...
faithful people and faithful giving made this day possible!
The Zion congregation is currently undergoing a visioning and planning journey that will help clarify the next chapter of our ministry together. In this process we’ll be watching for what God is up to around us and how God is inviting our congregation to join in that work. The final result of this process will be a strategic plan for the congregation to use to guide Zion's ministry into the future.