Northbridge High School
427 Linwood Avenue
Whitinsville MA 01588
Phone: 508-234-6221
Fax: 508-234-0802
Mission Statement
The mission of the Northbridge High School Community is to provide an educational experience committed to high expectations and diverse learning opportunities for all students. Northbridge High School honors tradition and embraces change and innovation.
Together, we encourage Responsibility, Achievement, Mutual respect and Service.
Expectations for Student Academic Performance
Northbridge High School students will:
Read, write and communicate effectively
Think critically and engage in problem solving
Work independently, collaboratively and creatively
Utilize appropriate technologies
Expectations for Student Social Performance
Northbridge High School students will:
Participate in a variety of school and community activities
Accept responsibility for choices and actions
Treat everyone with respect and appreciate diversity
Expectations for Student Civic and Economic Performance
Northbridge High School students will:
Develop an understanding of the democratic process and its resulting civic responsibilities.
Develop economic responsibility and management strategies.