2nd Friday Artwalk

Friday, Aug 8, 2025 at 4:00pm


The streets and shops of downtown Brunswick come to life during our annual 2nd Friday Artwalk Events! Please join us as host a variety of artists and musicians, and entertainers, for FOUR 2nd Friday ArtWalks.  See the art and meet the artists along Maine Street and beyond, visit our unique and artistic shops, and enjoy Brunswick’s many outside and inside dining opportunities! Event festivities will include an ArtWalk with artist displays outside on the sidewalks and in several downtown galleries, retail shops, and restaurants.

This is a rain or shine event!

Artists interested in participating in 2nd Friday Brunswick can register for a small fee. Registration for each date will close one week prior to the event.   Email Quincy Perry at [email protected] or call 207-729-4439 with questions.

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