Cosmic Rays Film festival

Cosmic Rays Film festival

Saturday, Mar 22, 2025 at 7:00pm



7 Pm - Program 3 – Moving Images

Special Program curated by visiting curator and scholar Genevieve Yue

Maybe the title of the program is a bit cheeky. After all, what kinds of images would appear in a film festival other than those that move? The images here, however, take movement further, in often unexpected directions. They accompany travelers, like the boy in Tiffany Sia’s A Child Already Knows (2024), who is too young to understand his family’s escape from Cold War-era Shanghai, but nevertheless grasps something of the journey in the cartoon images that float alongside him. In Malaz Usta’s space_invaders.exe (2024), archival footage, videogames, and a computer-generated voice kaleidoscopically evoke the experience of a displaced person, just as they themselves are uprooted and denaturalized from their sources. The movement of images exceeds that of the filmmaker in Adam Piron’s Dau:añcut // Moving Along Image (2022), which tracks the consumption and circulation of native American imagery worldwide. In the film’s key example, after a simple Google search for “ukrainian tattoo american indian chief,” Piron is surprised to discover the face of his relative emblazoned on the arm of a Ukrainian soldier. Finally, multiple speeds and moments of migration are rendered in Callum Hill’s Solo Damas (2016), from women riding the “only women” cars in the subway, to pilgrims gathering at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, and, furthest back, the slow glide along the ancient Aztec waterways of Xochimilco. As these films remind us, the movement of images is nothing to be taken for granted. Sometimes, they move the viewer along with them.

9 Pm - Program 4 – Near Nowhere

Films about cities that are evolving and animals that are going extinct (or maybe it’s the other way around). In-between architectures, repetition, and isolation. At the other end of the transbay tunnel, heaven awaits… or is that an office cubicle

Near Nowhere
Nora Zubizarreta, 2024
RT: 05:56 minutes
Near Nowhere plays with the fragmented but continuous nature of the experiential, examining the lively tension present in both the landscapes and human relationships with nature.

Speculative Speciation: Passenger Pigeon
Jacklyn Brickman, Sharon Gill, 2024
RT: 05:28 minutes

Since the 1600s, more than 160 species of birds have gone extinct. Not only are those extinctions profound losses in and of themselves, but they also represent devastating losses of what could have been. Over time, would these species have changed, evolving into new species not yet seen? Would these species have diversified into many more different and wonderful forms increasing biodiversity

Species of Analogy
J.M. Martínez, 2023
RT: 13:00 minutes

A field guide: Flora evolving with environmental changes, and pollinators utilizing biomimicry. Natural objects are gathered, and sculptures of and from the landscape cast reflections of nature being infinite, self-knowing, and alive.

Go Between
Chris Kennedy, 2024
RT: 06:30 minutes

Looking down at the Brisbane River–a play of masking and superimpositions.

Dominic Angerame, 2024
RT: 12:00 minutes

Searching of the artist soul of a filmmaker. First reflections of images past films that were created and then camera goes into the water to seeking the dark and bright side of visual soul. What emerges is new perspective on the urban areas being superimposed over the cosmic, creating a balance for a brief moment.

Laura Kraning, 2024
RT: 02:45 minutes

A brutalist monument to the Empire State as manifested by a malfunctioning inkjet printer. Chroma and luminance are made audible as architectural and printed lines converge and dissolve into pattern and noise. Photographed in the Capitol City of Albany, New York.

Mary Bauermeister: light and stone
Baba H Hillman, 2023
RT: 03:45 minutes

Remembering my last visit with Mary in her garden at Rosräth.

Sinking Feeling
Zachary Epcar, 2024
RT: 20:00 minutes

Three white collar commuters recall an experience of getting trapped on a train in San Francisco’s transbay tunnel, each drifting into fantasies of sex, death, and intimacy between strangers.

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