Delta Snow Goose Festival

Delta Snow Goose Festival

Friday, Feb 21, 2025


Where can I find the Geese?

Remember, Snow Geese are wild! We never know what they are going to do or where they are going to be. They go off the day's weather and sunlight. They *usually* come on the water about 10 AM or later. They *usually* fly off around 4:30 PM. This is on an ideal day. They are almost always on the water around noon - that's the best time to catch them. The geese are sometimes on the south east bend of the Gunnison Bend Reservoir in Sherwood Shores neighborhood. If they are not there, go around the outside of Sherwood Shores to see if they are in a different place on the water. Sometimes they are on the north west bend. If you stay in your car, you can "Goose Chase" them to the fields for a whole different viewing experience. They'll let you get pretty close in your car. Sometimes getting out of your car will spook them.

Please respect the community who lives here by staying on the main roads and designated beaches ONLY! Do not go on private property. Respect the geese as well please.

Sherwood Shores
South Nottingham Drive, Delta, UT
Friday: 11 AM to 4 PM
Snow Geese Viewing, Volunteer Biologist, Concessions

Craft Fair
Delta North Elementary, 50 N 100 E Rd, Delta, UT 84624
Friday: 3-8PM

Vendor Booths, Food Trucks, Gun Raffle, Quilt Raffle and ore.

Phot Contest and Coloring Contest

Quilt Show and Classes
Fair Building, Delta, UT
Thursday and Friday: 10 AM to 6 PM

Great Basin Museum and Topaz Museum, Open!

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