Monday, Mar 31, 2025
If you need to contact Expedia 1-800-882-9976 for assistance with bookings, cancellations, refunds, or other inquiries, here’s a guide to their customer support options, including phone, email, and care chat. Note that contact methods may vary depending on your location and the type of issue you’re facing.
You can reach Expedia’s customer support team by phone 1-800-882-9976. Here are the general numbers:
U.S. and Canada:1-800-882-9976
United Kingdom: 1-800-882-9976
Australia: 1-800-882-9976
Other Countries: Visit Expedia’s Contact Page and select your country for the local phone number 1-800-882-9976.
Have your booking details (confirmation number, traveler name, etc.) ready before calling.
Phone support is available 24/7 for most regions.
Expedia does not have a direct email address for customer service. Instead, you can use their online help center to submit a request or query:
Go to Expedia’s Help Center. 1-800-882-9976
Select the topic related to your issue (e.g., "Manage Trips," "Cancellations," "Refunds").
Follow the prompts to submit your request via email or contact form.
Expedia offers live chat support for quick assistance:
Visit Expedia’s Help Center.
Click on the chat icon (usually in the bottom right corner of the screen).
Follow the prompts to connect with a live agent.
1-800-882-9976 Chat support is available 24/7 for most regions.
Be prepared to provide your booking details for faster assistance.
If you’re using the Expedia app, you can access customer support directly through the app:
Open the Expedia app.
Go to "Help" or "Support" in the menu.
Choose the option to chat or call for assistance.
Expedia 1-800-882-9976 also provides support through social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. You can send them a direct message or tag them in a post for assistance.
Twitter: @ExpediaHelp
Facebook: Expedia
Before contacting support, consider using Expedia’s self-service tools:
Manage Bookings: Log in to your Expedia account to modify or cancel reservations.
Refund Status: Check the status of your refund in your account or via the help center.
FAQ Section: Visit the Expedia Help Center for answers to common questions.
Have your booking confirmation number, travel dates, and payment details ready.
Be clear and concise when explaining your issue.
If you’re unsatisfied with the response, politely ask to escalate the issue to a supervisor.
By using these contact methods, you can quickly get the help you need from Expedia’s customer support team.
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