Galveston County Fair and Rodeo


Sneak - A - Peek
10:00a.m. Seafood Cook-off Check-in Open Cook-off Area
5:00p.m. Seafood Cook-off Check-in Closed Cook-off Area
5:00p.m. Carnival "Sneak-a-peek" Open Carnival
5:00p.m. Boots N' Wine Garden "Come Sip With Us On The Patio" Open Wine Garden
6:00p.m. Jr. Breeding Beef Division Check-in Open Livestock Pavilion
7:00p.m. "Bag Of Donuts" Entertainment
8:00p.m. Jr. Breeding Beef Division Check-in Closed Livestock Pavilion
9:00p.m. Boots N' Wine Garden Closed Wine Garden
9:00p.m. Carnival "Sneak-a-peek" Closed Carnival

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