History Lunch Break: Morris County Masons During Washington's Encampment with Erich Morgan Huhn

Wednesday, Apr 30, 2025 from 12:00pm to 12:30pm


John Ward Dunsmore’s 1926 painting, The Petition, imagines a scene from one of American Masonic history’s most important moments. In the midst of the American Revolution, Masonic brethren in the Continental Army gathered at Morristown to observe St John’s Day, and what followed was a pivotal meeting where some of the founding ideas of the American Revolution were put into practice. Join Erich Morgan Huhn, PhD Candidate at Drew University, for an exploration of this painting, the history of the Morristown Convention, and the influence of Freemasonry during the American Revolution. Online program. Reserve your spot today! Registration: $5 (non-refundable). Zoom link will be emailed to the address you provide the morning of the program.

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