Homeschool Classes at Edison Ford

Wednesday, Apr 9, 2025 at 10:00am

Edison and ford winter estates

April 9th (grades 1-3)

Join us and explore the “living laboratory” of the Edison and Ford Winter Estates. Our Wild Wizards will challenge your mind and foster collaboration in this homeschool science and engineering series. Classes take place in an outdoor classroom environment (weather permitting). Homeschool classes at Edison Ford are aligned with Next Generation Science and Florida State Standards. Classes are a combination of instruction and hands on activities that are designed to facilitate homeschool or virtual science education. Become a family member of Edison Ford and receive discounted registration!

  • **Transportation Engineering Marvels “Channel Tunnel”**:

Students will study the engineering behind the Channel Tunnel. They will engage in the **Balloon Cars** activity, where they design and build cars powered by balloon propulsion. This project teaches students about propulsion, aerodynamics, and the engineering principles involved in creating efficient transportation methods.

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