Morris And Mollye Fogelman International Jewish Film Festival

Welcome to the 11th year of the Morris and Mollye Fogelman International Jewish Film Festival! We are thrilled to be bringing this year's film festival completely in-person and in our brand new, state-of-the-art Belz Theater at the Orgel Family Performing Arts Center! Happy watching!


7:00pm: Less Than Kosher

Bringing together the comedic essence of Shiva Baby and the musical charm of The Jazz Singer, this delightful tale dives into the tapestry of modern Jewish existence and sheds light on realities that might be considered “less than kosher.” At 20, Viv was a burgeoning young singer. By 30, her once-promising music career had regrettably led her back to her mother’s basement. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn when this self-proclaimed “bad Jew” finds herself reluctantly accepting a position as a Cantor at her family’s synagogue. That leads her through a roundelay of weddings, brisses, and shivas — complete with fantasy production numbers — as she recovers her joy in singing. Along the way, she also finds herself entangled in a whirlwind of forbidden affairs, psychedelic experiences, tense familial conflicts, and self-discovery.

Running Time 65 minutes
Country Canada
Language English
Year 2023

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