New Year's Eve Glam Dinner and Dance

New Year's Eve Glam Dinner and Dance

Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024 at 5:00pm


New Year's Eve Glam Dinner and Dance with Faded Youth live Band

Breakfast food for dinner Why yes! Theme this year is "Breakfast at Tiffany’s" so think Hollywood Glamour, Black Tie, Opulence. Glam it Up!

It's always a great time ringing in the New Year at the Capital Ritz Banquet and Dance Center with Faded Youth live band! Doors open at 4:30pm and since there is no assigned seating, it will be a great time to meet new friends! We are a nonsmoking BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic)) Event Space, so make sure to bring your coolers to last through the night! Feel free to be yourself. Everyone is there to ring in the New Year together, meeting new friends, and kick up their heels!

We have always been the most unique New Year's Eve Party around because of YOU! You make every New Year's Eve better than the last! Welcome Ceremonies begin at 5:30pm. Breakfast food (remember! It's a Breakfast at Tiffany's Theme!) begins at 6pm. THEN! The Ritz's Iconic Grand March which is a 27 YEAR New Year's Eve tradition will start at 7:30pm and then the AWESOME Faded Youth band will start playing where we will Rock and Roll till 2025!
PARKING must be only on the BLACKTOP parking lot directly attached to the Capital Ritz and on around to the back of the Ritz building and also Landmark Church(Metro Drive) as usual is very gracious in allowing us to park in their parking lot as well. (If You Park In The Parking Lot Directly West Of The Ritz Building & Also Across Plaza Drive In The Dept Of Corrections Parking Lot, The Owners Of These Lots Have Warned Us That They Will Tow Any Cars That Are Parked There)

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