Retired Recess: Season Two Kick-off

Thursday, Jan 9, 2025 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm


Retired Recess will kick off Thursday. This year, we're introducing a New schedule: Retired Recess will take place on the SECOND and FOURTH Thursdays of each month. On the fourth Thursdays, we'll feature guest speakers covering topics of interest.

To make opening day extra special, we'll have a certified ski instructor available to help anyone looking to brush up on their skiing skills—and instruction will be FREE! Need a ski tune up? Mt. Holiday's ski tune up expert will be there to tune your skis or answer questions about tuning and waxing your own skis. Don't miss this fun and active start to the season! LIFT TICKETS ARE ONLY $15!!!

Just like last year, Mt. Holiday is offering discounted lift tickets, rentals, and access to the tubing run during this special ski time. Plus, there's a cozy spot to relax, play cards or games, and enjoy a delicious meal at the T Bar with friends.

So, wear your PJs inside out, place a spoon under your pillow, flush some ice cubes, and cross your fingers for a great winter with snow on the hills!

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