Running With the Lions

Running With the Lions

Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 at 8:30am

2300 Howard Road

The Madera Evening Lions invite you to participate in "Running with the Lions", a 5K Run-Walk event at Lions Town & Country Park in beautiful Madera, California.  We would like to create diabetes awareness and provide information through local agencies and organizations.  A great day to get outside and move for those impacted by diabetes.  This year JDRF will be present-they are the leading company on diabetes research and over the years have improved the way of life for many diagnosed.

Online registration closes on the 10th of April.  You can still register at packet pick up on the 11th, and the morning of the race on April 12th once registration closes.

Participants will be provided a fruit tee 

T-Shirts and appropriate size will be guaranteed to those who register before and on March 18th.

Finishers will earn a surprise finishers goodies

Funds raised will assist with Diabetes Research to help better lives and find a cure.

Click Here For Registration:

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